
Green Infrastructure & Green Space. Environmental Consultancy. Translations. 


To explore your translation needs or for a free quote call 0747279 4179 or use contact form

Brillianto specialises in translations from German into English (and vice versa). I am a native German speaker. My English is excellent through living and working in the UK for 20 years.

I have an excellent background in nature conservation, biodiversity, green infrastructure and the wider environmental

sector both in the UK and Germany and will deliver meaningful translations at a very reasonable price.

Brillianto translation principles (pdf, Nov 2019)

Brillianto offers translations of

  1. Websites
  2. Documents of any kind
  3. Scientific publications
  4. Presentations
  5. Speeches
  6. Project reports (e.g. EU funded projects)

Rate reductions from 15 June 2020!


100 words                          £13/100 words     €15/100 words

1000 words                       £11/100 words     €13/100 words

10,000 words                   £10/100 words     €11/100 words

100,000 words                 £9/100 words     €10/100 words

As an example of the quality of Brillianto's translations please have a look at:

GruenStattGrau website (2019, Austrian umbrella organisation for the green building sector)

Aktionsaufruf zum Internationalen Jahr für Höhlen und Karst 2021 (2019, translation into German; in: Mitteilungen des Verbandes der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher e. V.)

National Parks in Germany - Wild and Beautiful (2016, English translation 2017)

Guidelines for the National Junior Ranger Programme (2017)

LIFE Floodplain Amphibians website (from Aug 2016)


Brillianto translation portfolio (pdf, Nov 2019)

Please use the contact form to make enquiries about my availability and specific pricing.
