Brillianto specialises in translations from German into English (and vice versa). I am a native German speaker. My English is excellent through living and working in the UK for 20 years.
I have an excellent background in nature conservation, biodiversity, green infrastructure and the wider environmental
sector both in the UK and Germany and will deliver meaningful translations at a very reasonable price.
Brillianto translation principles (pdf, Nov 2019)
Brillianto offers translations of
Rate reductions from 15 June 2020!
100 words £13/100 words €15/100 words
1000 words £11/100 words €13/100 words
10,000 words £10/100 words €11/100 words
100,000 words £9/100 words €10/100 words
As an example of the quality of Brillianto's translations please have a look at:
GruenStattGrau website (2019, Austrian umbrella organisation for the green building sector)
Aktionsaufruf zum Internationalen Jahr für Höhlen und Karst 2021 (2019, translation into German; in: Mitteilungen des Verbandes der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher e. V.)
National Parks in Germany - Wild and Beautiful (2016, English translation 2017)
Guidelines for the National Junior Ranger Programme (2017)
LIFE Floodplain Amphibians website (from Aug 2016)
Brillianto translation portfolio (pdf, Nov 2019)